
To become the unique and central organization in the planning, development and implementation of programs and activities of all past students of St. Mary’s Canossian College (SMCC) and St. Mary’s Canossian School (SMCS); with the aim of fostering close relationship and cooperation with the Schools to uphold the values, traditions and reputation of the Schools.


  1. To continuously expand membership and extend representation of members to include past students across all ages, geographies and socio-economic backgrounds.
  2. To strengthen bonds with SMCC and SMCS by active participation in school events whenever possible and to organize projects focusing on building comradeship between current and past students.
  3. To promote fellowship among members within the organization.
  4. To serve the schools and the community.


Both SMCC and SMCS had their respective Incorporated Management Committees (IMCs) set up in 2013 as required by the Education Ordinance, and St. Mary’s Past Students’ Association (SMPSA) has been recognised as the alumni body to nominate, among its alumni from SMCC and SMCS, candidates to become the Alumni Managers of the corresponding IMCs accordingly.

As we have always been a big St. Marian family, the membership of SMPSA consists of alumni from both SMCC and SMCS. We have re-organised the structure of SMPSA so as to comply with Section 40AP of the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279), that is, only the alumni of the respective school may elect or become office-bearers of the body.

The Executive Committee worked closely with the schools’ management to revise the structure and the Constitution of SMPSA to meet this requirement, and this updated Constitution was adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 22 June 2013.